
Your One Time or Recurring Support as Friend or Patron of the Melharmony Foundation (MF) – irrespective of where you reside in – can help us raise funds for Melharmony Festivals in various cities as well as groundbreaking projects like Musicians’ Covid Relief Fund (MCRF), Planet Symphony’s Strategic Urban Roofscaping for Environment (SURE) in impoverished villages and Climate Literacy and Action Drive (CLAD).

Donate in Dollers
Donate in Rupees

What your donation could translate to:


Pay for one young person to communicate & correspond with one or two school orchestras or youth symphonies to engage them in the melharmony School & Youth Project. 


Can enable us to subsidize one Melharmonic Orchestra member every week


Can support small scale Roof greening in an impoverished community with potted plants OR cover the cost of a small CLAD presentation at a nearby school or college


Can partially or fully support a Recharge Well (that harvests rainwater) for Water Empowerment in impoverished villages OR subsidize the fee of a conductor for rehearsals or a teacher to conduct some classes in melharmony camps


Can subsidize or support venue or audio & related costs for some of our events


Enables commissioning of small melharmonic works or engaging a quartet for an event


Supports small concerts for environmental awareness or fundraisers for Climate Action OR for conferences or our collaborations with schools in USA, Europe etc


Supports mid sized events with high quality guest artists/small ensembles


And upwards can support multiple projects or be used to create endowments for our concerts or competitions. 

The foundation will combine various donations or find additional funding sources for larger projects. If you would like to make a donation of any size to the Melharmony Foundation, simply use the online options or email [email protected] or call us at +1 608 215 6967.