Planet Symphony Climate Ambassadors

Planet Symphony Climate Ambassadors are among the greatest achievers in their respective arenas and also deeply concerned about the Climate Crisis.  These include Classical & Popular Musicians, Dancers, Film and Sports Celebrities, inspirational leaders and influencers from diverse fields.  They are only required to devote around 10-15 minutes per month to: share 2-3 posts or short (30-60 seconds) videos on their handles about environmental issues and solutions that the Award-Winning scientists of Planet Symphony will share firsthand with them.

Planet Symphony Climate Patrons are philanthropists, charities and businesses that support Climate Action and Climate Justice through Climate Commitments.  Planet Symphony aims to get the maximum support for the 3 Billion underprivileged people besides numerous other species which are sharing this space-time with all of us.  Therefore, we request everyone to be a Climate Patron and support these noble initiatives.

Citizen Climate Champions & Climate Volunteers: Any environmentally concerned citizen in the world who volunteers for Climate Action, share posts or raise Climate Finance for underprivileged communities. 

Student Climate Champions Climate Volunteers: PSE invites all school and college students to volunteer for Climate Action and become powerful participants in the mission to foster Climate Justice and Climate Resilience, rather than limit their focus to Climate Activism.  

Climate Patrons and EFGs of PSE

PSE is a “Bthe people – for the people” initiative.  While we request Governments, Charities and Philanthropists to be our Climate Patrons, we also wish to directly engage with the people who can be our Environmental Fund Generators by donating a token $1 or Indian Rs 10 or higher, as a symbol of solidarity with the PSE’s Vision and Activities.  The Funds will be carefully deployed by PSE directly and/or allocated to collaborators and other organizations focused on similar initiatives.

Please use Donate Buttons or QR codes to donate in Dollars or Indian Rupees.

You can also be a Volunteer and participate in our Climate Action initiatives directly or online by sharing PSE posts our Facebook Group, Instagram and Twitter page on your Social Media handles.  To volunteer, please email us.