Planet Symphony in Schools & Colleges

Today's students will become Tomorrow's sufferers, if Global Warming is not reversed. Students need to graduate from Climate Activism to Climate Action. They need to lead the Climate Literacy and Action Drive (CLAD), which is exactly what the Planet Symphony aims to inspire them to do.

Planet Symphony (PS) will endeavour to

  1. Recruit volunteers from various schools and colleges, who can be Student Ambassadors of Climate (SAC). If you wish to be one, please email [email protected].)
  2. Conduct Climate Literacy and Action Courses to inspire Climate Action and train students to organise their own CLAD campaigns.
  3. Organise contests and hackathons for them to find innovative climate solutions.
  4. Collaborate with other organizations to scale up all these.


One Student One Plant Scheme:

Planet Symphony proposed this easy to carry out scheme which works as below.  It is to be noted that this is a much smaller ask of students than the law Philippines introduced in 2019, making it mandatory for students from schools to colleges to plant 10 trees to get their pass certificates and graduation degree.

  • Each student contributes just 1 potted plant to the school, to be placed on rooftops first.
  • After 50-60% of available roof space is greened, the remaining plants can be placed at ground or other feasible locations within the school or college campus.
  • The students themselves or the staff of the institution will be responsible for the upkeep of these.
  • Students will also be urged to plant more trees or green roofs in their own houses/apartments or other public locations.

They will also be encouraged to assess if the soil is suitable for percolation and initiate recharge well and other projects to harvest maximum rainwater as part of the PS Micro Reservoir Scheme.

Institutions can consider introducing a system of environmental credits to encourage students to contribute even more significantly on this front.

Climate Patrons and EFGs of PSE

PSE is a “Bthe people – for the people” initiative.  While we request Governments, Charities and Philanthropists to be our Climate Patrons, we also wish to directly engage with the people who can be our Environmental Fund Generators by donating a token $1 or Indian Rs 10 or higher, as a symbol of solidarity with the PSE’s Vision and Activities.  The Funds will be carefully deployed by PSE directly and/or allocated to collaborators and other organizations focused on similar initiatives.

Please use Donate Buttons or QR codes to donate in Dollars or Indian Rupees.

You can also be a Volunteer and participate in our Climate Action initiatives directly or online by sharing PSE posts our Facebook Group, Instagram and Twitter page on your Social Media handles.  To volunteer, please email us.